Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

Technology Short Take 121

Welcome to Technology Short Take #121! This may possibly be the last Tech Short Take of 2019 (not sure if I’ll be able to squeeze in another one), so here’s hoping that you find something useful, helpful, or informative in the links that I’ve collected. Enjoy some light reading over your festive holiday season!


  • Brian Linkletter has a post on how to run the Antidote network emulator on KVM for better performance. Antidote, as I understand it, is the network emulator that runs the labs on the NRELabs web site (which is another cool thing in and of itself). In perusing some of Brian’s content, I see lots of stuff at the intersection of networking and virtualization. That’s a good place to be right now, in my opinion.
  • Anders Olsson explains how to map NSX-T UUIDs to the actual logical objects.
  • Julien Demierre has three-part series on interfaces and uplinks for ESXi/Edge in NSX-T deployments (part 1, part 2, and part 3).
  • This is an old(er) post that I’ve probably mentioned here before, but I think it still has relevance. Brent Salisbury’s post on Golang for Network Ops not only points out why networking pros should learn Golang, but also provides some resources on how to learn it.
  • Philippe Bogaerts has an article on how to use tcpdump effectively in Kubernetes. The one caveat to his approach that may be worth mentioning is that some policies (a PodSecurityPolicy or the use of Open Policy Agent) may prevent the user from launching a Pod connected to the host’s network namespace.


Nothing this time around, although there may have been some hardware-related news coming out of re:Invent that I missed (such as new generations of AWS-designed chips being announced).


Cloud Computing/Cloud Management

Operating Systems/Applications


Nothing this time; sorry! I’ll be on the lookout for stuff I can include next time around.


Career/Soft Skills

I haven’t included anything this time, as this Short Take has been pretty heavy on technical content. I’ll stay alert for content to include here next time.

OK, that’s it for now! I hope this was helpful and informative. Feedback is always welcome; it’s probably easiest to contact me via Twitter, but I’m around a lot of different places if you look. Have a great weekend!

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