Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

Technology Short Take 117

Welcome to Technology Short Take #117! Here’s my latest gathering of links and articles from the around the World Wide Web (an “old school” reference for you right there). I’ve got a little bit of something for most everyone, except for the storage nerds (I’m leaving that to my friend J Metz this time around). Here’s hoping you find something useful!




Cloud Computing/Cloud Management

  • Dan Finneran has a great introductory post on first steps with govmomi.
  • Iman Tumorang shares how to use a private instance of Google Container Registry (GCR) from a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Mohamed Labouardy has a write-up showing how to pull together various Google services, including GKE, Cloud Build, and GCR along with Terraform and Packer, to build a CI/CD workflow.
  • This is probably the strongest use case I’ve seen so far for using a general-purpose programming language for infrastructure-as-code. The linked article uses TypeScript with Pulumi, but the concept—being able to extend existing concepts via a general purpose programming language to add new functionality—applies equally well to other environments as well.

Operating Systems/Applications


Nothing from me this time around, but if you’re really hurting for some storage news and views, check out Storage Short Take #12 from J Metz.


Career/Soft Skills

  • James Beswick explores the cloud skill shortage and why it exists even though there are plenty of folks who are certified. The “TL;DR” is, in my mind, captured in this statement: “They want people with solid experience, a risk-free bet that the new hire can execute the tech flawlessly.” I’d say this is a strong indicator that experienced IT folks who are able to assimilate new skills are going to have an advantage moving forward.

OK, enough is enough, time to wrap it up. As always, feel free to engage with me on Twitter if you have any questions, corrections, suggestions, or other feedback. Thanks!

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