Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

Technology Short Take 112

Welcome to Technology Short Take #112! It’s been quite a while since the last one, as life and work have been keeping me busy. I have, however, finally managed to pull together this list of links and articles from around the Internet, and I hope that something I’ve included here proves useful to readers.



Nothing this time around! I’ll stay alert for content I can include next time.


  • Tim Hinrichs discusses securing the Kubernetes API with Open Policy Agent.
  • Pod Security Policies (PSPs) are an important security feature in Kubernetes. Sysdig explains PSPs, and talks about kube-psp-advisor, a tool to help simplify deploying PSPs.
  • ClusterScope is a handy tool for finding outdated images in your Kubernetes cluster.
  • This article discusses four open source secrets management tools.
  • Many organizations prefer to use two-factor authentication (2FA) to help protect their systems. While this article on how to configure 2FA for SSH on Fedora probably won’t work in many corporate environments (few use Fedora), it may provide enough information to figure out what it would look like in your environment.

Cloud Computing/Cloud Management

  • Bahubali (Bill) Shetti walks through analyzing the cost of a self-managed Kubernetes cluster on AWS using VMware CloudHealth.
  • Ahmet Alp Balkan does a deep dive on the KUBECONFIG file.
  • Lee Briggs writes about his experience with Fargate. I think the key takeaway here is that prior experience always affects our perceptions and how we go about learning new technologies/acquiring new skills. My prior experience with hypervisors (vSphere, then KVM) affected how I learned Docker and containers. Lee’s prior experience with Kubernetes affected how he learned Fargate. Someone who’d worked quite a bit with Fargate would probably have a hard time switching to Kubernetes. An individual’s learning curve is strongly dictated by previous experience and knowledge.
  • Ernese Norelus has an introductory piece on using Terraform and Ansible to enable repeatable infrastructure builds on AWS.
  • Fernand Galiana introduces Popeye, a tool for finding and identifying misconfigurations in your Kubernetes cluster. I haven’t had the chance to give it a try yet, but it looks pretty interesting.
  • Aeva talks a bit about what happened to OpenStack. Key excerpt (for me) from this article was this statement: “…creating a viable, open source, hyperscale cloud software solution was against the best interest of the companies most heavily investing in OpenStack’s development.”

Operating Systems/Applications


Nothing this time. Have something you think I should share here? Let me know on Twitter.


Career/Soft Skills

  • This blog post from XMind has some nice tips on staying focused in the workspace.
  • I really enjoyed this discussion on deep work and real-time collaboration. Cal’s book is in the “To Read” pile on my desk; guess I need to hurry up and get to it!

That’s all for now—stay tuned for future Tech Short Takes, as I’m striving to be more regular with publishing them. In the meantime, feel free to contact me on Twitter with any comments, suggestions, corrections, or other feedback.

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