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30 Hour Famine

Approximately 11 minutes ago I started my first 30 Hour Famine, an event sponsored by World Vision. Our youth group is participating in the 30 Hour Famine this year to raise money and awareness of hunger around the world; all our proceeds go to World Vision to fund their efforts.

A lot of people think that they can’t make any difference against a problem like world hunger or starvation; the reality is that $1 can care and feed a child for a day. That’s the message I’ve been trying to get across to the kids in my youth group: everyone can make a difference. We’ll spend the entire day today fasting from food and participating in service projects to help others in need. The idea is that while helping those in need—homeless, orphans, etc.—we will ourselves be experiencing the effects of hunger. We’re hoping that God will reveal Himself to us in a new way and open our eyes to His will and His purpose for us as individuals and us as a youth group.

Pray for us as we lead the youth group through the 30 Hour Famine, which runs from 7:00AM this morning to 1:00PM tomorrow afternoon (just after church), when we’ll “break the fast” and reflect upon what God has shown us during our time of service and fasting.

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